HC Deb 16 March 1859 vol 153 c209

Order for Second Reading read.


, in moving the second reading of this Bill, said he had waited for some time in the hope that Government would do something on this subject, but up to the present time there had been no intimation on the part of Government of what they intended to propose. If the Bill were now read a second time, however, he would not press going into Committee till the House saw what the measure of the Government would propose in this matter. He reserved to himself the right to deal with the question hereafter according to the circumstances which might arise; and with that understanding he had, in conclusion, to move the second reading of the Bill.

Bill read 2à.


said, he had to state, on the part of the Government, that they did not object to the course proposed by the hon. Baronet. They wished it to be understood that they assented to the second reading of the Bill on the condition that the discussion on its principles should be taken on the Motion for going into Committee. If the English Reform Bill should be read a second time before Easter he hoped he should be able to introduce the Scotch measure previously to the same period; and he was enabled to state that it would deal with that matter of the registration of voters as well as with other subjects.

Bill committed for Wednesday, 6th April.