HC Deb 14 March 1859 vol 153 c93

said, he rose to ask if the Secretary of State for the Home Department intends to bring under the consideration of the House any plan by which those persons in Ireland who cannot at present participate in the Grant for National Education may be enabled to do so.


said, he must confess that during the ten days—for it was only ten days—that he had held his present office, he had not bad an opportunity of considering the subject, which be thought required to be fully examined before any person ventured to take upon himself either to bring forward a measure or determine what ought to be done with regard to it. The only answer he could give his hon. Friend, therefore, was that he had no present intention of moving in the matter; but his hon. Friend and the House might depend upon it that should be form such an intention be would give them an opportunity both of knowing what was proposed to be done and of expressing an opinion thereon.