HC Deb 10 March 1859 vol 152 c1620

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for War what Regiments of Militia are to be disembodied, and at what time; and whether, when the number of Officers with a Regiment much exceeds the relative proportion of Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates, the Government will permit a limited number of Officers to return to their homes?


Sir, the Regiments of Militia to be disembodied are the North Lancashire, Nottingham, North Durham, and Wexford, and that will take place before the 1st of April. There will be some Militia Artillery Regiments embodied at the same time. If the number of Officers in any of the Regiments are greatly in excess of the men, and desire to return to their homes, it is in the power of the Commander in Chief to grant them leave of absence. They will not be entitled to pay, and will be liable to be called out when their services are required.