HC Deb 03 March 1859 vol 152 c1171

said, he would beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether, as South Wales is excluded from the operation of the Highways Bill now before the House, the Government intend to introduce a Bill to amend the South Wales Highways Act?


said, that at present it was not his intention to introduce any other Bill on the subject of Highways, as his hands were sufficiently full with that which he had before the House. At the same time, if the House arrived at the conclusion that a similar measure would be beneficial to South Wales, he would give every facility to any hon. Gentleman who might think proper to bring in a Highways Bill for that part of the empire. He would take that opportunity of observing that an alteration which he had made in the English Highways Bill would, he thought, meet the views of some hon. Gentlemen who had given notice of Amendments; he had struck out of the Bill that part which related to the Poor Law Board.