HC Deb 17 June 1859 vol 154 c431

I think, Sir, it is but respectful to the House that I should formally announce to them that of which, no doubt, every Gentleman present is already cognisant;—that in consequence of the vote which a week ago the House was pleased to arrive at, Lord Derby and his colleagues felt it their duty immediately to tender the resignation of their offices to Her Majesty, and that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to accept the same. So that at the present moment they hold, and for some days past they have held, those offices only until their successors are appointed. The noble Lord the Member for Tiverton has received the commands of Her Majesty to form an Administration, and I believe he has accomplished the task. Under these circumstances, I feel that it will be for the convenience of the House—and also of the noble Lord—that I should move that the House at its rising adjourn until Tuesday next. I fix Tuesday because that is the last day on which election petitions can be received. Should any further adjournment be necessary those who succeed us will then have the opportunity of moving it.