§ MR. DISRAELIThe country heard last Friday with gratification that an armistice had been entered into between the Allies and the Emperor of Austria. I wish now to inquire of Her Majesty's Government whether they have received official intimation of the event from the Government of France, and whether the armistice is a mere military convention, or whether, on the other hand, the Government can hold out to the House any prospect that negotiations for peace will be prosecuted in consequence.
§ LORD JOHN RUSSELLWhat I stated was that an official intimation of an armistice had been received by me from the French Ambassador, but that this official information did not go beyond that contained in the Moniteur. I have nothing further to say at present, for on the face of the armistice it appears to be only for military purposes. At the same time the House well knows that the armistice which was signed on the 8th instant, will extend to five weeks. I cannot but hope that this duration of five weeks implies that the belligerent Powers will be ready to receive suggestions, or will of themselves propose some terms, by which hostilities may be put an end to. This is at present, however, mere conjecture, since there is nothing on the face of the armistice which declares that, either on the part of the Emperor of the French or the Emperor of Austria, there is any agreement to enter into any negotiations for peace. There is a meeting today of the two Emperors at Villafranca, and I trust that we shall soon have some intelligence on the subject of their interview.
§ MR. DISRAELII am afraid I have very imperfectly expressed my meaning. What I wanted to know from Her Majesty's Government was whether any further information, except the formal communication of the armistice which the noble Lord announced on Friday, has been officially 976 communicated by the Government of France.
§ LORD JOHN RUSSELLI have no further official information, except a telegram from Her Majesty's Ambassador at Paris.