HC Deb 08 July 1859 vol 154 c946

, in moving for leave to introduce a Bill for the Better Regulation of the Corporation of the City of London, said that that Bill very much resembled the Bill that was introduced on the same subject in a former Session, and referred to a Select Committee, where it underwent considerable alterations, the principal alteration being an increase in the number of wards. The main difference between that Bill and the Bill he wished to introduce was this—that it only dealt with the constitution of the Corporation, and omitted entirely the financial part of the question. It did not attempt to deal with the coal duties or with the metage duties. Those were questions that must be reserved for future consideration. He did not wish to be understood as expressing any opinion on these questions. The coal duties, or at least a portion of them, would expire a. an early period, and it would be convenient to postpone the consideration of those difficult questions till that time arrived, or shortly before.

Leave given.

Bill for the better Regulation of the Corporation of the City of London ordered to be brought in by Sir GEORGE LEWIS and Mr. GEORGE CLIVE.

Bill presented and read 1°; to be read 2° on Thursday next and to be printed.

House adjourned at quarter-before One o'clock.