HC Deb 07 July 1859 vol 154 c794

said, he wished to inquire, If it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government to introduce a Bill for the rating of public establishments during the present Session.


said that his predecessor in office intended last Session to bring in a Bill for the rating of public establishments. That Bill made little or no progress, and there was considerable difficulty in legislating on the subject, especially with regard to the rating of charitable institutions and societies for literary and scientific purposes. It was not his intention to propose a Bill on the subject during the present Session, but he hoped to carry into effect an arrangement with some of the principal parishes in which complaint was made—namely, the parishes in which the principal forts and arsenals were situated, giving them compensation for the non-rating of public establishments. The arrangement he contemplated could be carried out by a vote of the House without the necessity of having recurrence to legislation.