HC Deb 08 February 1859 vol 152 cc210-1

said, he wished to move the re-appointment of the Select Committee "to inquire into the progress and prospects, and the best means to be adopted for the promotion of European Colonization and Settlement in India; especially in the Hill Districts and healthier climates of that country; as well as for the extension of our Commerce with Central Asia." The hon. Member proposed that the Committee should consist of eighteen Members, whom he named, stating that among them were three new Members.


said, he must object to any increase in the numbers of the Committee. Two vacancies had occurred in the Committee since last Session by the appointment of the hon. Members for Guildford(Mr. Mangles) and Leominster (Mr. Willoughby) to the Indian Council; and the hon. Gentleman not only proposed to fill up these, but to appoint two additional members. He was sure every hon. Gentleman who had sat on the Committee must agree that the Committee was too numerous already. The noble Lord the Secretary of State for India might justly complain that as yet he had derived no benefit from the deliberations of the Committee; but if the same system of procedure were followed this Session as had obtained last year, he was afraid they would again separate without drawing up a Report.


said, he wished to express his opinion that one of the hon. Mem- bers for Manchester ought to be on the Committee.


explained, that two of the new members were proposed in the place of two others who had retired in consequence of appointments in India. The third was Colonel Sykes, whose appointment was considered appropriate in consequence of the interest he represented.


said, it was certainly the custom when a Committee was reappointed to confine it as much as possible to those persons who had shared in its previous labours. By the regulations of the House fifteen was the usual limit to the number of a Select Committee; but the hon. Gentleman, without assigning any reason, proposed to increase the number of this Committee to eighteen. Perhaps the hon. Member had better postpone the nomination of the Committee for a day, to give an opportunity for its consideration.


said, he had no objection to accede to the proposition of the right hon. Gentleman.

Motion agreed to.

Select Committee appointed.

House adjourned at half-past Seven o'clock.