HC Deb 01 August 1859 vol 155 c747

said, he also had on the paper the following notice of Motion,— That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, stating that in the opinion of this House it would be consistent neither with the honour nor the dignity of this Country, which throughout the late negotiations has preserved a strict and impartial neutrality between the contending Powers, and used its earnest endeavours to prevent the outbreak of hostilities, to take part in any Conference for the purpose of settling the details of a Peace, the preliminaries of which have been arranged between the Emperor of the French and the Emperor of Austria, He was anxious to be able to state positively to those persons who wished to take part in the discussion on his Motion, on what day it could be brought forward. Privately, he was informed last week by a Member of the Government, that Supply was expected to be taken on Thursday.


said, that he did not know what communication had taken place between the noble Lord and the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and could not reply to the question in his absenee. He could not say when the Committee of Supply would terminate. His hope was from the present appearance of the Votes, the Supply would end on Thursday. His noble Friend (Lord Elcho) would not be prejudiced by the circumstance, for if there should not be a Committee of Supply on Thursday, there would be a Report on some other stage which would enable him to bring his Motion forward.