HC Deb 05 April 1859 vol 153 c1384

said, he would beg to inquire of the noble Lord the Secretary for Ireland, in the absence of the Attorney General, if it be a fact, as stated by the Irish Papers, that at the late Trial at Tralee of Daniel Sullivan, accused of being a member of the Phoenix Society, the eleven Roman Catholic Jurors who were called and answered were directed to "stand by" by the Crown, and that one of the persons so excluded was a magistrate of the county Kerry, appointed by the present Lord Chancellor of Ireland?


stated in reply, that the only official report he had received upon the subject was that furnished by the Crown Solicitor, which was to the effect that they had called over 108 Jurors, several of whom had answered to their names; that the prisoner had challenged twenty of them and the Crown fifteen, whereupon the jury was sworn and the prisoner was put upon his trial. He did not know whether the report in the newspapers was correct or not, and therefore he was not in a position to answer that question.