HC Deb 20 May 1858 vol 150 c924

said, he wished to ask the Secretary to the Board of Control whether any account has been received by the Board relative to the suppression of the Mutiny and the disarming of the 21st Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry at Kurrachee in September, 1857.


said, it was quite true, as stated by the hon. Gentleman, that the Government had received a Despatch giving an account of the suppression of the mutiny and disarmament of the 21st Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry, at Kurrachee, in September last. He was, however, at a loss to know how it happened that these deeds did not appear in the Gazette. In justice to the officers whose exploits had contributed to effect those results, the attention of the Indian Government had been called to the matter by the Commander in Chief. The Adjutant General's letter, dated the 26th of September, 1857, was as follows:— The Commander in Chief considers that the prompt and able manner in which the disarming of the 21st Regiment was carried out, under the orders of Major General Scott, ably seconded by Brigadier Lowth, commanding at Kurrachee, and Lieutenant Colonels Hutt and Stiles, respectively commanding the Artillery and 2nd European Regiment Light Infantry, as most creditable to all concerned, and most fully concurs in the opinion expressed by Mr. Frere, that the decision with which Major M'Gregor, commanding the regiment, acted on the occasion cannot be too highly commended.