HC Deb 13 May 1858 vol 150 c576

Order for Committee read.

House in Committee.

Clauses 1 and 2 agreed to.

Clause 3.


said, he proposed to fill up the blank in clause 3 with the sum of £1200 as the salary of the Registrar General. Hitherto the salary of that Gentleman had been £1000 a year, with extra allowances for preparing the census. This method had been found inconvenient; and, in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report of a Committee of the House, it had been determined to propose that the salary should in future be fixed at the amount stated. He believed it had been the intention of the late Government to suggest the change now proposed. The Registrar General had saved the country considerable sums by the manner in which he managed his department, and no one could doubt that he was entitled to the increased salary now proposed.


approved the increase, but remarked that the subordinate officers of the department would still be remunerated by extra payment for their labours in taking the census.

Clause agreed to, as were also the remaining Clauses.

The House resumed.

Bill reported as amended, to be considered To-morrow.