§ SIR A. AGNEWsaid, he rose to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether there is any immediate intention of removing all temporary erections in Westminster Hall, and of substituting a permanent and ornamental doorway in place of that by which the public at present have access to the building?
§ LORD JOHN MANNERSsaid, that there was only one erection in Westminster Ball at the present time, which enclosed some of the models for the Wellington Memorial which had not yet been removed. The parties had been requested to take them away, and if they did do not so the Government would remove them, and the erection would then be taken down. No Vote was intended to be taken this year for making a permanent door-way to the Hall, but he hoped next year that a Vote would be submitted for that purpose, and also for putting up more sightly notice boards in the Hall than those which now existed at the entrances of the Law Courts.