HC Deb 21 June 1858 vol 151 c153

Order for Second Reading read.

SIR BULWER LYTTON moved the second reading of this Bill, and explained that its object was to enable the Government to carry out certain treaties by which the free navigation of the Gambia was conceded to the French traders. A contraband trade had sprung up, and in the efforts to suppress it considerable irritation had been caused, which at various times threatened to imperil the amicable relations existing between this country and France. To obviate the inconveniences that had arisen arrangements had been entered into by which the right of the French traders to the free navigation of the Gambia was fully recognized, but in order to carry these out some modification of the Act of 1853 was necessary, and it was for that purpose that the present Bill had been introduced.

Bill read 2o, and committed for Thursday.