HC Deb 17 June 1858 vol 150 c2288

Order read for resuming Adjourned Debate on Amendment proposed to Question [16th June]— That the Bill be read a second time upon Wednesday the 7th day of July next;" and which Amendment was, to leave out the words "Wednesday the 7th day of July next," in order to insert the words "this day six months," instead thereof.

Question again proposed, That the words proposed to be left out stand part of the Question.


said, it would be unreasonable to have this Bill hanging over the House at this late period of the Session. If the hon. Member the mover of the Bill (Mr. Sheridan) would consent to withdraw it after a discussion had taken place on it, the Government would give a day for that discussion.

Amendment by leave withdrawn; Main Question put, and agreed to; Second Reading deferred till Wednesday, 7th July.

House adjourned at half after One o'clock.