HC Deb 17 June 1858 vol 150 c2276

Order for Second Reading read.


said, be thought his learned Friend the Attorney General agreed with him that it would be inconvenient to take the discussion on this Bill upon the present occasion. He himself should have to ask leave of the House to introduce a Bill founded upon a different principle. The question was a most important one, and it was extremely desirable that England should not be insular in its legislation. Upon the understanding, then, that the discussion should come on on a future occasion, he would consent to the Bill being read a second time pro formâ.


said, that on the part of the Attorney General, he was willing to assent to the suggestion to take the discussion on the Motion for going into Committee.


said, that as one of the promoters of the Bill, he would also cheerfully accede to the suggestion to take the discussion on a future occasion, but as the evil to be remedied was a great one he hoped no unnecessary delay would occur to the passage of the Bill.

Bill read 2°, and committed for Monday next.