HC Deb 04 June 1858 vol 150 c1534

said, he rose to ask the Chief Commissioner of Works whether he is not aware that, in any consideration of the state of the water of the Thames, the whole question at issue is that of the effect upon the purity of the air which way be produced by the liberation of gases injurious to health from the water.


said, he believed the House was disposed to agree with him that the question which the hon. Gentleman addressed to him was more in the nature of the expression of an opinion on the hon. Gentleman's part that an inquiry put for the sake of obtaining information. He could assure the hon. Gentleman he was not competent to answer the question. But as the hon. Gentleman had put his question in the form of a suggestion, he begged to snake another suggestion in return to the hon. Gentleman, which was, that a Select Committee was now sitting to investigate that question, he should address a letter to the Chairman of that Committee, offering himself as a witness to explain and defend the theory which he (Lord John Manners) understood the hon. Gentleman was anxious to put forth.