HC Deb 30 July 1858 vol 151 c2368

, in rising to bring under the notice of the House the Report from the Select Committee on Railway and Canal Legislation, said that the contradictory and unjust decisions of Parliament had produced a state of insecurity and uncertainty most prejudicial to the important interests concerned. More than £300,000,000 had been spent in the construction of railways, but from the causes alluded to the value of that immense property was much depreciated, and much suffering was the result among the shareholders. Many persons said, "Let them suffer, the public gains." The public did not gain, would not gain, and ought not to gain, by the commission of injustice to large bodies. He wished to impress upon the Government the necessity of their attending to this important subject. They ought either to appoint a commission of inquiry composed of properly qualified persons, or early next Session move for a Committee of that House, a majority of the Members of which should be cognizant of and interested in railway matters. In no other way would the railway interest find itself fairly treated.

Motion agreed to.

House, at rising, to adjourn till Monday next.

House adjourned at half after Eleven o'clock, till Monday next.