§ MR. INGRAMsaid, he rose to move for a Return of the number of persons employed in collecting the taxes paid into the Exchequer, distinguishing the number employed for the land, assessed, property, and income tax, and those employed in the Excise Department of the Inland Revenue, and the number employed in collecting the Customs dues. The Motion was unopposed, but he hoped he might be allowed to take the opportunity of saying that the system of collecting the revenue was in a very unsatisfactory condition. In every parish there were several persons employed in collecting the revenue, apparently without any regular system or control. He trusted that Her Majesty's Government would take the subject into their consideration.
Return ordered,—
Of the number of Persons employed in collecting the Taxes paid into the Exchequer, distinguishing the number employed for the Land, Assessed, Property, and Income Tax, and those employed in the Excise Department of the Inland Revenue, and the number employed in collecting. the Customs Dues.
§ Motion agreed to.
§ House adjourned at a quarter before Ten o'clock.