HC Deb 29 July 1858 vol 151 c2274

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether any information has reached Her Majesty's Government in respect to the inaccurate state of the Copies of Exchequer Standards of Weights and Measures used by Inspectors and Leet and Annoyance Juries; and, if so, whether it is their intention to adopt any means to enforce a periodical adjustment of the same.


in reply said, that he had made inquiries on the subject, and he did not find that any information had reached the Home Office in reference to the inaccurate state of the Copies of Exchequer Standards of Weights and Measures. Under the Constabulary Act the Chief Constables were intrusted with power to ascertain the propriety of the Standards used, and he found that the Chief Constable of Leicestershire had in the first six months verified and stamped 18,000 weights and measures. According to the Police Returns of 1857 the Police had proceeded against 1,655 persons, and 1,555 had been convicted. He would endeavour to obtain the information desired by the hon. Member if it were more particularly specified.