HC Deb 15 July 1858 vol 151 c1504

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Government have received any information as to the occupation by the Cape Colonists of the territory between the Kei and Keiskamma, which has been temporarily evacuated by the Kafirs driven forth by starvation, and whether such a policy has received the sanction of Her Majesty's Government? Whether the last advices from the Cape afford any probability of the early termination of the hostilities now raging between the Orange Free State and Moshesh, the chief of the Bassutas; and whether Sir George Grey has offered to exercise his friendly offices as mediator between the two parties?


said, the Government had not received information of the occupation by the Cape Colonists of the territory between the Kei and Keiskamma. The Governor had expressed a wish to establish military villages composed of German immigrants, but his suggestion had not received the sanction of the Government at home. With respect to the hostilities between the Boers and the Bassutas, the last accounts indicated no approach to a termination of hostilities. Sir George Grey had offered to act as mediator, but it appeared that at the same time the Boers had called upon the South African Republic for aid, and the latter was sending an armed force into the country.