HC Deb 22 February 1858 vol 148 cc1854-5

Order for Second Reading read; Motion made and Question proposed "That the Bill be now read a second time."

MR. M'MAHON moved as an Amendment that it be read a second time that day six months, alleging among other grounds that it was calculated to impose a very heavy and very unnecessary expense upon the county of Wexford.

Amendment proposed, To leave out the word "now," and at the end of the Ques- tion to add the words "upon this day six month."

Question proposed, That the word "now" stand part of the Question.


said, he was of opinion that this was a Bill which ought not to be sent before a Select Committee, because it appeared to him to embody the dangerous principle of repudiation.


said, he would consent to the second reading on the understanding that all the clauses in the Bill relating to the liability of the county of Wexford should be struck out in Committee.


said, he would assent to the proposition of the hon. Member.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Main Questions put, and agreed to.

Bill read 2° and committed.