HC Deb 02 August 1858 vol 151 cc2373-4

said, he rose to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department when the Copies of Standards of Weights and Measures were issued from the Exchequer under which 1,555 tradesmen have been convicted by the Police for using false Weights and Measures in 1857, and whether the accuracy of the said Copies of Standards have been legally tested since they were first issued; and, it so, at what period? And, whether the Police Constables now engaged as Inspectors of Weights and Measures are authorized to seize all Weights and Measures indiscriminately under the Act 5 & 6 Will. IV. c. 63, which deviate from the Standards, or whether they are instructed to distinguish between cases of intentional fraud and trifling inaccuracies arising from friction, atmospheric influence, or ordinary wear and tear?


said, he was sorry to say that he had not yet been able to obtain the desired information; but as the matter was of considerable importance he would take care that due inquiry should be made respecting it, and if any alteration should be required to have the Standards properly rectified he would take care that it should be made.