HC Deb 29 April 1858 vol 149 c1988

said, he wished to call the attention of the right hon. and learned Gentleman the Attorney General for Ireland to the circumstance that students who are not graduates of a University are admitted to the Bar in England after three years' attendance at the Inns of Court, but are not admitted to the Bar in Ireland till after five years' attendance, and to ask him whether the Government will have any objection, if the Benchers in Ireland refuse to modify their rules so as to remove this anomaly, to introduce a measure on the subject?


said, he should call the attention of the Lord Chancellor of Ireland at an early period to the subject; and he would express a hope that the hon. and learned Member would excuse him from answering the question which he had put, inasmuch as it was founded upon the supposition that the Benchers would refuse, upon a representation being made to them, to remove the anomaly of which he complained.