HC Deb 22 April 1858 vol 149 c1494

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary for the Colonies whether any answer to Mr. Labouchere's Despatch of the 22nd day of January, 1858, on the subject of the Hudson's Bay Territory has been received by Her Majesty's Government, and whether it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government to introduce a measure for the settlement of the Hudson's Bay Question during the present Session of Parliament?


said, that no answer had as yet been received to the despatch to which the question of the noble Lord referred, and that as in that despatch a plan emanating from the Government of this country, and assented to by the authorities of the Hudson's Bay Company, had been submitted to the Legislature of Canada for their opinion, he deemed it better to wait for that expression of opinion before stating the course which Her Majesty's Ministers proposed to take in reference to the question.