HC Deb 15 April 1858 vol 149 c1168

moved for an address for copies or extracts of correspondence that might have passed between Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy at Constantinople and the Foreign Office during the last six months on the subject of the establishment of a line of telegraph between Constantinople and Bassorah. The hon. and gallant Member stated that he did intend, in moving for those papers, to make a statement to the House with the view of showing that telegraphic communication between England and India viâ Egypt and the Red Sea was, to say the least, difficult, if not impracticable, white such communication viâ Asiatic Turkey and the Persian coast was in an equal degree easy, and if the operations were conducted with tolerable skill and care would, in a short time, be successfully carried out. As it was now so late (twenty minutes to eleven o'clock) he would postpone that statement until the whole subject came before the House upon a Motion of which another hon. Member had given notice.

Motion agreed to.

Address for— Copies or Extracts of Correspondence that may have passed between Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy at Constantinople and the Foreign Office during the last six months, on the subject of the establishment of a line of Telegraph between Constantinople and Bassorah.