HC Deb 08 May 1857 vol 145 cc80-1

inquired of the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether the Government intended to propose any alteration in the present mode of Licensing Public-houses and Beer-shops.


replied, that it was not the intention of the Government during the present Session to propose any Bill upon the subject; at the same time he thought it right to say that the law relating to the licensing of public-houses and beer-shops was in a very unsatisfactory state. The hon. Member who had asked the question, and who had paid great attention to the evidence given before a Committee which sat two Sessions ago, would confirm the statement that very great and well-founded complaints were made of the present system of licensing and the mode of licensing. Some of the evils complained of no doubt arose from the defective administration of the law rather than from defects in the law itself; but still the law required reconsideration, and the attion of the Government would be directed to the subject next Session. In consequence, however, of the great amount of capital invested in those trades and the great interests involved, very great caution was required in dealing with the subject.

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