HC Deb 08 May 1857 vol 145 c96

SIR GEORGE GREY moved for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Act of the sixteenth and seventeenth years of Her Majesty, to substitute in certain cases other punishment in lieu of Transportation. In doing so the right hon. Baronet took occasion to observe that he hoped the House would not expect he should enter into any lengthened statement, inasmuch as the Bill was in substance the same as that which he had introduced in the last Parliament, any alterations which he might since have made in the measure being matters of mere technical detail. The Bill proposed to carry into effect several of the recommendations made by the Committee which had sat upon the subject of secondary punishments last Session, and if the House would permit him to lay it upon the table that evening he should fix an early day for the second reading—Monday next—if that day should meet with the approval of hon. Members, insasmuch as he was anxious to have some decision upon the measure before the estimates, which would occupy a considerable time, were brought under discussion.

Leave given.

Bill ordered to be brought in by Sir George Grey and Mr. Massey.

Bill presented, and read 1°.