HC Deb 18 March 1857 vol 144 c2412

Order for Third Reading read.

Bill read 3° Amendments made.

Resolved, Nemine Contradicente, That the Bill do pass:—Whereupon


addressed the House as follows (all the Members being uncovered):—

I should not do justice to my own feelings, were I to permit this Bill to pass through its last stage, without expressing most gratefully and respectfully to the House my very sincere acknowledgments for this mark of their approbation of my humble services in the Chair, and of the noble and generous manner in which those services have been rewarded.

SIR GEORGE GREY moved that what had been said by Mr. Speaker should be printed with the Votes, and entered in the Journal of the House.


seconded the Motion. Ordered, "That what has now been said by Mr. Speaker be printed in the Votes of this day, and entered in the Journal of this House. Ordered, "That the Clerk do carry the Bill to the Lords, and desire their concurrence.