HC Deb 12 March 1857 vol 144 c2214

said, he would beg to ask the noble Viscount the First Lord of the Treasury whether it was the intention of Government to make any further recognition of the services of Sir John M'Neill and Colonel Tulloch in the Crimea?


Sir, Her Majesty's Government have made what I conceive to be ample recognition of the merit of these services. We have acknowledged them in this House. They have been acknowledged by letters to those gentlemen; and, moreover, Her Majesty's Government intimated to them their intention of recommending the Crown to present to each of them a sum of £1,000 as a more material acknowledgment of the services which they performed during the three months that they were in the Crimea. They have, however, thought fit to decline this gift. I do not question their motives; but it seems to me that the Crown has done all that it can properly be advised to do.