HC Deb 17 June 1857 vol 145 c1942

said, that the Princess Giustiniani had obtained a Bill of naturalisation; but, before it could pass a second reading in the House of Lords it was necessary that she should take certain oaths before the Houses of Parliament. The lady had obtained property in this country, but being in a delicate state of health, and a resident at Florence, at present it would be most convenient that she should be permitted to take the oaths before Her Majesty's Minister at Florence. It was also desirable that the Bill for that purpose should pass as speedily as possible, and with that view he should move that the Standing Orders be suspended, in order that the measure might pass through its earlier stages. It was one to enable the Princess to take the oaths before Her Majesty's Minister at Florence, instead of before the two Houses of Parliament.

Ordered, "That, in the case of Giustiniani's Oath Bill, the Standing Orders be suspended."

Bill read 1o; 2o, and committed.

Leave given to the Committee to sit and proceed and report forthwith.