§ MR. ROEBUCKsaid, that before the noble Lord answered the question of the right hon. Baronet, he should wish to put to him another in relation to the discussion which had some evenings before taken place in connection with Brazil. He (Mr. Roebuck) had upon that occasion stated that the Act of 1845—commonly called Lord Aberdeen's Act—to which he had then alluded, was one of the operation of which both the people and the Government of Brazil complained. The noble Lord had, however, stated in reply that the Act was one which, by the mutual consent of this country and of Brazil, was not enforced; and as that statement, owing to the experience in office of the noble Lord, was entitled to be regarded as having been made upon good authority, he should wish to ascertain from the noble Lord whether he had any objection to lay upon the table of the House the documents upon which that statement was founded.