HC Deb 31 July 1857 vol 147 c895

Sir, I wish to ask the noble Lord at the head of the Government whether he can inform the House if the Government have received any despatches from India, and if so, what is the nature of them?


Sir, the despatches that have been received are gone to the India House, and I have not yet seen them; but I may state that my right hon. Friend (Mr. Vernon Smith) has received private letters from Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras, the general complexion of which is, that they give precisely the same information as that already announced through the telegraphic despatch. No fresh events of importance are detailed.


May I ask whether the Government have received any confirmation of the report that Delhi has been taken?


As I have stated, the despatches give no further information than that supplied by the telegraph, and I learn from that source that Delhi has not been taken.

House then adjourned, at a quarter after Two o'clock, till Monday next.