HC Deb 28 July 1857 vol 147 c569

(who rose under manifest indisposition) said, in adverting to a Motion of which he had given notice, in reference to a modification of the Liturgy of the Church of England, that up to a late hour on the afternoon of the previous day, he entertained a confident expectation of being able to bring it forward. But since that time, he had had an attack of indisposition, which rendered it impossible for him to perform the duty of introducing the Motion in a satisfactory manner. He knew it would be a great disappointment to a vast number of persons, who took a deep interest in the question, that the Motion should be postponed; but it would have been necessary for him to trespass at considerable length on the time of the House in bringing forward that Motion, and he had too much respect for that House, as well as for those persons who did him the honour to place their confidence in him, to; attempt that for the due performance of which he was physically incapacitated. It would, consequently, be impossible for him to bring forward the Motion during the present Session, and he would, therefore, postpone it till the next.