HC Deb 27 July 1857 vol 147 c439

said, he would beg to ask the hon. and learned Member for Stamford whether he intended to proceed with the Metropolitan Grand Juries Bill. It was a Bill of very great importance, and kept a great number of hon. Members there until late at night watching for it. He wished to know whether the hon. and learned Member could conveniently release them from continued attention to the matter, by stating that he would not proceed further with the measure, seeing the hopelessness of the Bill being carried during the present Session.


said, he had been exceedingly anxious to obtain the sanction of the House to the Bill, not only because it was a measure which had been long and earnestly called for, but also because he believed it would be highly useful within the limited district to which it would apply. He had tried day after day to advance the Bill, but he had tried in vain; and considering the state of public business he thought it would hardly be possible for him to proceed any further with the measure in the course of the present Session. Under those circumstances he would withdraw the Bill for the present; but he should add that he proposed to re-introduce it at a very early period in the next Session, and he hoped he should then be able to get it passed into law. In conclusion, he had to move that the Order of the Day for the Committee on the Bill be read for the purpose of being discharged.

Order for Committee read, and discharged;—Bill withdrawn.