HC Deb 20 July 1857 vol 147 c27

said, that seeing the noble Lord the Member for Middlesex in his place, he wished to put a question to him relative to the public business. He (Mr. Walpole) saw that to-morrow week there was an important notice given by the noble Lord for an Address for a Commission for the purpose of considering whether the Liturgy of the Church of England was not capable of such modification in its arrangements and services, as to render it more profitable than it now was for the religious instruction and edification of the people. He wished to know whether the noble Lord proposed to bring forward that Motion?


said he must admit that the 28th of July was a very late period on which to bring for ward a Motion so important for the discussion and consideration of the House. He had, indeed, been very desirous of withdrawing it, but he found there was such an extraordinary misconception as to the scope of the Motion and the intentions both of himself and those for whom he acted, that it would be necessary for him to trouble the House with a statement on the day mentioned; but if, after making the Motion, there should be any objection to it, he would not ask the House to divide, but would, in that case, ask leave to reintroduce it at a more convenient season.