HC Deb 20 July 1857 vol 147 c96

said, he rose to move to nominate the Select Committee on Mr. Somer's petitions, as follows:—Lord JOHN RUSSELL, Mr. ATTORNEY GENERAL, Sir JAMES GRAHAM, Mr. ATTORNEY GENERAL for Ireland, Sir FREDERIC THESIGER, Mr. BAINES, Mr. BUTT, Mr. ROEBUCK, Mr. G. A. HAMILTON, Mr. GREGORY, Mr. HILDYARD, and Mr. WARREN.


said, that an elector for Sligo having been refused the right to vote, he brought an action against the returning officer, and recovered £100 damages; and a Committee of that House had been appointed to inquire into the conduct of the Judges, the counsel, and all the parties concerned in the trial. The practice of that House deciding by Resolution on the law of the land was highly objectionable.


assured the hon. Member that the Committee had been agreed to by the Government, in order to avoid coming to a hasty decision upon the matter.

Motion agreed to.

The House adjourned at Two o'clock