HC Deb 27 February 1857 vol 144 c1495

said, he wished to ask when the medals due to surviving relatives of officers and soldiers slain in the Crimean war would be distributed. In one regiment 600 were due, and he daily received applications on the subject. One applicant, a clergyman, stated that he had applied three or four times to the War Office without effect.


said, that the claims of the representatives of deceased soldiers were still being sent in, and a number of medals was yet due. As regarded the Guards and the Line, about 8,000 medals had been distributed, and 2,000 more remained in the office to be disposed of. All the claims connected with the Guards would be settled in a few days. The whole of the claims made by the families of deceased officers and men belonging to the Artillery and Engineers had already been satisfied.

House at its rising to adjourn till Monday next.

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