HC Deb 23 February 1857 vol 144 c1154

VISCOUNT PALMERSTON moved to nominate the following Gentlemen to serve on the Select Committee—namely, Lord John RUSSELL, Mr. WALPOLE, Mr. SOLICITOR, GENERAL, Mr. COBDEN, The LORD ADVOCATE, Mr. BARROW, Sir FITZROY KELLY, Mr. BERKELEY, Mr. DEEDES, Mr. George BUTT, Mr. George Alexander HAMILTON, Mr. INGHAM, Mr. Ker SEYMER, Sir William SOMERVILLE, and Mr. TITE.


complained of there being only one Irishman on the Committee, and hoped that the noble Lord would increase the number, in order that his country might be properly represented on it.


said, he was sorry to see even one Irishman on that Committee, inasmuch as his country had nothing to do with bribery at elections.


said, that the business to be transacted by the Committee was not of a local character. He hoped that the hon. Gentleman would allow the Committee to be named, as it was a very good and fair one. The business turned, not upon local questions, but upon general principles.

The House adjourned at One o'clock.