§ LORD ROBERT CECILsaid, he would beg to ask the Chief Commissioner of Works whether the judges of the approaching competition, with reference to the new Government offices, would be appointed before the day on which the plans were sent in? Also, whether he intended, in appointing the judges, to confine his selection to those who were unentangled by any personal connection with the profession, or whether he intended to include among them practising architects?
§ SIR BENJAMIN HALL,in answer to the first question of the noble Lord said, it was not his intention to nominate any of the judges until after the plans were sent in. With regard to the selection of the judges, it was his intention to nominate some gentlemen who were not connected with engineering or architecture, and to associate with them others having a thorough knowledge of those professions. It would, however, perhaps, be difficult to select competent persons who were not at all connected with the 702 competitors, but he would certainly endeavour, in the selection he should make, not to nominate any persons who were competitors, or were connected with competitors.