§ MR. A. SMITH moved, That there be laid before this House copies of the following communications between the Board of Trade and the Trinity House, relative to the erection of a Lighthouse at Godrevy, in St. Ives' Bay:—from the Trinity House, dated July, 1855; Report of Deputy Master and Committee of Elder Brethren, dated 3rd July, 1855; from Board of Trade, September, 1855; from Trinity House, 29th September, 1855; Extract of a Letter of Captain Williams, 685 27th August, 1855; Report of Mr. Walker, 3rd October, 1855; from Trinity House, 13th September, 1856; Petition from St. Ives, October, 1856; from Board of Trade, 28th November, 1856; Estimate for Stone Lighthouse on Godrevy Island, 4th March, 1857; and Particulars of Tender proposed to be accepted for the same, September or October.
§ MR. LOWEsaid, that in order to prove a case which he wished to establish, the hon. Member only moved for a portion of the documents relating to this Lighthouse. Fault was found with the Board of Trade for not sanctioning the erection of a Lighthouse on Godrevy Point instead of on a certain shoal near it; but in arriving at the conclusion which they had adopted they had acted on the advice of eminent engineers; besides which, the expense of the Lighthouse they had sanctioned would be only £8,000, while one on the other proposed site would cost £250,000. He had no objection to produce all the papers if the hon. Gentleman would be satisfied with that.
§ Motion, by leave, withdrawn.
Copies ordered—
Of Communications from or to the Board of Trade on the one hand, and the Trinity House or any other person or persons on the other, on the subject of the erection of a Lighthouse on Godrevy Island, in St. Ive's Bay, together with their enclosures.