HC Deb 03 December 1857 vol 148 c86

NEW WRITS.—For Oldham, v. James Platt, Esq., deceased; for Harwich, v. Major George Drought Warburton, deceased; for Paisley, v. Archibald Hastie, Esq., deceased; for Kent (Eastern Division) v. Sir Edward Cholmeley Dering, Baronet, Manor of North -stead; for Northampton County (Northern Division) v. Augustus Stafford O'Brien Stafford, Esq., deceased; for Thetford, v. Hon. Francis Baring, Chiltern Hundreds.

NEW MEMBERS SWORN.—For Middlesex, Hon. George Henry Charles Byng; for Oldham, William Johnson Fox, Esq.

PUBLIC BILL.—1° Outlawries.

The House met,—at half after One o'clock.

Message to attend HER MAJESTY.

The House went;—and being returned;—

MR. SPEAKER acquainted the House, that he had issued a Warrant for a New Writ for Oldham, in the room of James Platt, Esq., deceased.

Outlawries Bill—"for the more effectual preventing Clandestine Outlawries," read 1°.