§ MR. AYRTONsaid, he rose to ask the President of the Board of Control Whether it is the intention of the Home Government to instruct the Government of India that no new Code of Procedure which may be enacted by the Legislative Council, shall be carried into operation until the same shall have been laid on the table of this House. When the Charter of the East India Company was renewed it was determined at the same time to establish a new system for the administration of justice in India; and a Commission had been appointed of men more distinguished than competent to frame it. The President of the Board of Control had transmitted the Code so framed to India for consideration, and the Legislative Council had legislated on the subject to the great dissatisfaction of the English residents in India, as well as of the natives. In the Charter of the East India Company it was provided that all laws passed by the Legislative Council should be laid befere Parliament within fourteen days after the 31st of March, and no doubt that had been done in this instance. But substantially it was of no value, as the Acts of the Legislative Council were not printed or circulated, and consequently Parliament had no means of expressing its opinion in respect of their fitness for the purpose for which they were framed.
MR. MANGLESsaid, that a letter was now in preparation for the Government of India directing them not to pass this law without further reference to the Imperial Parliament. Any law passed by the Indian Government must remain for a certain time on the Table of that House, when it was in the power of any hon. Member to object to it. When such a measure had laid on the Table and had not been revoked by Parliament it then became the law of India.