HC Deb 06 August 1857 vol 147 cc1208-9

Order for Committee read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair."


said, he must object to proceeding with the Bill at that late hour. He moved that the House do now adjourn.


appealed to the hon. Member to withdraw his opposition. The Bill was necessary to meet a case of emergency.

Motion made, and Question put, "That this House do now adjourn."

The House divided:—Ayes 0; Noes 60.


said, he must now explain to the House why he objected to proceeding with the Bill. A discussion took place yesterday, and some explanations were promised which had not been given. The Bill was only introduced on the 4th of August, and as he had some Amendments to propose, he thought it only fair that they should not be proposed in the absence of those who had objected to the Bill.

Main Question put and agreed to. House in Committee.

Bill considered in Committee.

House resumed; Bill reported; as amended, to be considered To-morrow, at Twelve o'clock.

Notice taken, that forty Members were not present; House counted; and forty Members not being present, the House was adjourned at Three o'clock.