HC Deb 03 August 1857 vol 147 c933

said, he would beg to ask whether the Noble Lord had made any inquiries relative to the missing despatch of Sir Charles Napier respecting the organization of the Bengal Army.


said in reply, that a letter from Sir Charles Napier directed to the Duke of Wellington, and not to Lord Dalhousie, had been found at the Horse Guards. It was dated June, 1850, and related to the arrangements in regard to the Queen's Army, and also, in another part, to the organization of the Army of the East India Company. He would lay before Parliament that portion of the letter which related to the Indian Army.


said, that Sir William Napier, than whom there could not be a better authority, had stated that he had published this very letter some three years ago. ["No, No!"] Sir William Napier had distinctly stated that this letter, written by Sir Charles Napier, was now before the public in the posthumous work of the latter on Indian Misgovernment. There need not, therefore, be any difficulty in regard to its production.