§ SIR JAMES FERGUSSONsaid, he begged to ask the right hon. and learned Lord Advocate whether, by the Parochial Schools (Scotland) Bill, in the event of the person elected to the office of schoolmaster being a member of the Established Church, the examination before the Presbytery would still be necessary; and, whether the judicial powers of the Presbyteries over schoolmasters accused of heretical teaching, and their visitation and examination of the schools would be retained?
§ THE LORD ADVOCATEsaid, in answer to the first question, he had no doubt, as regarded the intention and effect of the Bill, the person elected to the office of schoolmaster, being a member of the Established Church, must be examined ac- 633 cording to the provisions of the Bill. In answer to the second question of the hon. Gentleman, his answer was that the Bill did not touch the judicial powers of the Presbyteries over schoolmasters in the matters alluded to.