§ MR. CHILD moved the second reading of this Bill. He said the Bill applied to advowsons of which the properties are now vested in several persons. It was merely an enabling, and not a compulsory measure, and consisted of two distinct provisions—one to enable patrons to dispose of advowsons, and the other to enable them, when there was no parsonage house, to borrow money for that purpose from Queen Anne's bounty. At present, though it was competent for individuals to sell advowsons, it was not competent when the living was held by several patrons. The 467 proposed Bill established no new principle; it had been already sanctioned by the House in more than one instance. Parliament had in this way passed a Bill authorising the sale of the advowson of Painswick in the county of Gloucester; and another measure was passed for the same purpose in 1839, for the parish of Tilbury, in the same county. Such a power was also given to municipalities under the Municipal Corporations Act. The Bill provided that when it was expedient to offer for sale advowsons held by a numerous class of persons, deriving themselves no pecuniary benefit from such advowson, such sale should be permitted, and power given to apply the money, first, to the building of a parsonage house upon the advowson if no parsonage house existed previously; secondly, to the augmentation of small livings under £150 a year; thirdly, to the repairing and maintenance of the church and chancel; and lastly, if all other wants were supplied, to aid in the poor rates, or improvement of the town.
§ MR. KENDALLseconded the Motion. He considered that the Bill was calculated to put an end to very flagrant scandals. Frequently the persons appointed to these churches by these joint patrons were most unfit persons; without birth or education, not in any way proper for their office. The patrons sometimes got hold of mere adventurers to present to these churches.
§ Bill read 2o.