HC Deb 14 March 1856 vol 141 c153

said, he wished to ask the right hon. Gentleman the President of the Board of Control whether he had yet received the Report of the Commission appointed by the Governor General of India more than two years ago to inquire into the collection of the salt duties, and whether he would lay it upon the table?


said, that the Report of the Commission on the completion of which some delay had been caused by the illness of the only Commissioner, had at last been received in this country. It was very long, but should be laid on the table as early as possible. Owing to his anxiety to transmit the Report as early as possible, Lord Dalhousie had sent it without any despatch of his own on the subject. If such a despatch should be received before the Report was printed, he would lay both before the House together. If it were not, he would produce the Report alone.