§ VISCOUNT PALMERSTONsaid, he would now move, in accordance with the arrangement made with the noble Member for the City of London (Lord J. Russell) last night, that on Thursday, the 10th of April, Orders of the Day should have precedence of Notices of Motions; and he at the same time would express a hope that from that time the House would consent to establish the rule that for the remainder of the Session Orders of the Day should have precedence of Notices of Motions on Thursdays.
§ MR. BANKESsaid, that while the Bill relating to the appointment of certain officers of that House, which had now received the Royal Assent, was under discussion, the noble Lord at the head of the Government promised that a Minute of the Treasury should be prepared, providing that in the appointments to such offices attention should be paid to the recommendation of Mr. Speaker. The recommendation of that right hon. Gentleman had been acted upon with reference to the appointments which had recently been made, and the selection 2045 of the Gentlemen who now occupied seats at the table had met with the entire concurrence, he believed, of every Member of the House. The Act itself, however, did not contain any provision that regard should be paid to the recommendation of Mr. Speaker, and he wished to ask whether such a Minute had been prepared as the noble Lord had promised, assuring to the Speaker the power of making recommendations to the Crown when vacancies might occur, and, if so, whether there would be any objection to lay such Minute upon the table?
§ VISCOUNT PALMERSTONreplied, that the Minute had not yet been drawn up, but when it was prepared it should be presented to the House.
§ Motion agreed to.